Steps to Choosing the Right Funeral and Cremation Service in Waukesha, WI

We offer dignified funeral and cremation services to families and their loved ones at affordable prices because we understand that in this time of grief, it's important that we help you with both the psychological and economic difficulties.
Our compassionate staff are here for you all the way, ensuring comfort, warmth, and sensitivity. For immediate assistance, call us at (262) 679-1444 to speak with a funeral director.
Client Testimonials
Providing funeral care is both a profession and a calling. While all funeral care specialists are educated and licensed to practice their craft, some of them are better suited to meet your individual needs. They may have a unique understanding of the type of service that you’re looking for, or the experience to conduct a funeral in the way you desire. Whether you’re looking for funeral and cremation care in Waukesha, WI for a future need or immediate service, it’s important to hire the right firm for the job. To help you make the best choice, here are the recommended steps to take:
Know Your Consumer Rights
The funeral industry is subject to abide by the Federal Trade Commission’s governing rules for the industry. As a consumer of funeral services, you have rights under these rules. You are entitled to:
- Receive a copy of a firm’s current general price list.
- Ask and receive verbal pricing details by phone.
- Decline services you do not wish to purchase.
- Decline embalmment care.
- Choose a cremation container other than a casket.
- Bring outside products to the funeral home for use in the service.
- Obtain a written statement of your service choices before making payment.
Plan How Much to Spend
Funerals and memorial services can be lavishly expensive. But, they can also be quite affordable. How much you decide to spend will determine the type of funeral you can expect to hold. However, funerals that are held to an appropriate budget often have better financial outcomes for families than those which are not. Don’t go shopping for a funeral service before you have a budget in place. Then stick to it.
Decide on Your Priorities
It’s likely that your family will have different opinions than you regarding how services should be held. It’s a good idea to discuss these details, then come to a consensus about whether you’d like a traditional funeral and burial, cremation and scattering, or some variation of these options. You should also think about the commemorative service. Should you hold one for the deceased? If so, what will it entail? Where will it be held? When? Will it be a funeral or memorial service? Should there be any faith traditions observed? If not, what should be?
Select Disposition Type
The physical remains of a deceased loved one can be dispositioned in several ways. Casket burial, green burial, flame cremation, water cremation, a donation to science and learning. After cremation, ashes are laid to rest in the manner you determine best. Common choices include burial, placement in a columbarium niche, placed in a shrine at home, scattering, jewelry fabrication, and use as material in monument creation.
Not all funeral homes are capable of providing all services. Be sure you ask each funeral home you interview whether they can accommodate the disposition type you prefer for your loved one. The choice of which type you select is a personal decision.
Find Funeral and Cremation Providers in Waukesha, WI
Search for local providers in the community and surrounding areas. You can do an online search to find providers with an online presence. An industry funeral home directory can also help you identify area providers. Your local chamber of commerce is also a good source of information.
Get Prices
Call four to five funeral homes to obtain a copy of their published pricing. Do this as soon as possible. Request them to email you a copy or mail it right away for local delivery. You also may be able to locate a survey of current prices online for providers in your area, although it may be outdated. Just remember that gathering price information is a process, and doing it well can save you thousands of dollars.
Visit Funeral Homes You’re Interested In
Pick two or three funeral homes that are priced well and appear to have the funeral and cremation services in Waukesha, WI you seek. Call and schedule to visit them so that you can meet and interview the funeral director. While you’re at it, you should evaluate their venue as a possible location for viewing and funeral or memorial services. Make sure you are compatible, and that you feel comfortable with the director and their staff.
Get Formal Quotes
At each funeral home, ask for an itemized quote detailing the service arrangement choices you want. Don’t agree or sign anything initiating service yet. Go home and compare all quotes, looking to compare prices, as well as value for services. Be sure to consider the intangibles as well, such as location, venue, workability, schedule, compatibility, etc.
Decide and Proceed
Once you make your decision, contact the funeral home right away to inform them and to move things forward with the planning and arrangement process.
Bevsek-Verbick Funeral Home and Crematory is a full-service funeral and cremation provider in Waukesha, WI, serving families in their loss. Visit us at W195S6610 Racine Ave Muskego, WI 53150. Call today at (262) 679-1444.